view contrib/ @ 80:018436f39d73

verify-cvs2svn: generalize so we can compare CVS to Mercurial or Git repository as well as Subversion. (Mercurial support is almost there, but Git support is not implemented at all.)
author Greg Ward <>
date Fri, 31 Jul 2009 18:29:43 -0400
parents d79a9c0c045e
children 869c855e507c
line wrap: on
line source
#!/usr/bin/env python
# (Be in -*- python -*- mode.)
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2000-2007 CollabNet.  All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
# are also available at
# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
# newer version instead, at your option.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at
# ====================================================================
# The purpose of verify-cvs2svn is to verify the result of a cvs2svn
# repository conversion.  The following tests are performed:
# 1. Content checking of the HEAD revision of trunk, all tags and all
#    branches.  Only the tags and branches in the Subversion
#    repository are checked, i.e. there are no checks to verify that
#    all tags and branches in the CVS repository are present.
# This program only works if you converted a subdirectory of a CVS
# repository, and not the whole repository.  If you really did convert
# a whole repository and need to check it, you must create a CVSROOT
# directory above the current root using cvs init.
# ====================================================================

import os
import sys
import optparse
import subprocess
import shutil
import re

# CVS and Subversion command line client commands
CVS_CMD = 'cvs'
SVN_CMD = 'svn'
HG_CMD = 'hg'

def pipe(cmd):
  """Run cmd as a pipe.  Return (output, status)."""
  child = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  output =
  status = child.wait()
  return (output, status)

def cmd_failed(cmd, output, status):
  print 'CMD FAILED:', ' '.join(cmd)
  print 'Output:'
  raise RuntimeError('%s command failed!' % cmd[0])

class CvsRepos:
  def __init__(self, path):
    """Open the CVS repository at PATH."""
    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    if not os.path.isdir(path):
      raise RuntimeError('CVS path is not a directory')

    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'CVSROOT')):
      # The whole repository
      self.module = "."
      self.cvsroot = path
      self.cvsroot = os.path.dirname(path)
      self.module = os.path.basename(path)
      while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.cvsroot, 'CVSROOT')):
        parent = os.path.dirname(self.cvsroot)
        if parent == self.cvsroot:
          raise RuntimeError('Cannot find the CVSROOT')
        self.module = os.path.join(os.path.basename(self.cvsroot), self.module)
        self.cvsroot = parent

  def export(self, dest_path, rev=None):
    """Export revision REV to DEST_PATH where REV can be None to export
    the HEAD revision, or any valid CVS revision string to export that
    cmd = [ CVS_CMD, '-Q', '-d', ':local:' + self.cvsroot, 'export' ]
    if rev:
      cmd.extend([ '-r', rev ])
      cmd.extend([ '-D', 'now' ])
    cmd.extend([ '-d', dest_path, self.module ])
    (output, status) = pipe(cmd)
    if status or output:
      cmd_failed(cmd, output, status)

class SvnRepos:
  def __init__(self, url):
    """Open the Subversion repository at URL."""
    # Check if the user supplied an URL or a path
    if url.find('://') == -1:
      abspath = os.path.abspath(url)
      url = 'file://' + (abspath[0] != '/' and '/' or '') + abspath
      if os.sep != '/':
        url = url.replace(os.sep, '/')

    self.url = url

    # Cache a list of all tags and branches
    list = self.list('')
    if 'tags' in list:
      self.tag_list = self.list('tags')
      self.tag_list = []
    if 'branches' in list:
      self.branch_list = self.list('branches')
      self.branch_list = []

  def export(self, path, dest_path):
    """Export PATH to DEST_PATH."""
    url = '/'.join([self.url, path])
    cmd = [ SVN_CMD, 'export', '-q', url, dest_path ]
    (output, status) = pipe(cmd)
    if status or output:
      cmd_failed(cmd, output, status)

  def export_trunk(self, dest_path):
    """Export trunk to DEST_PATH."""
    self.export('trunk', dest_path)

  def export_tag(self, dest_path, tag):
    """Export the tag TAG to DEST_PATH."""
    self.export('tags/' + tag, dest_path)

  def export_branch(self, dest_path, branch):
    """Export the branch BRANCH to DEST_PATH."""
    self.export('branches/' + branch, dest_path)

  def list(self, path):
    """Return a list of all files and directories in PATH."""
    cmd = [ SVN_CMD, 'ls', self.url + '/' + path ]
    (output, status) = pipe(cmd)
    if status:
      cmd_failed(cmd, output, status)
    entries = []
    for line in output.split("\n"):
      if line:
    return entries

  def tags(self):
    """Return a list of all tags in the repository."""
    return self.tag_list

  def branches(self):
    """Return a list of all branches in the repository."""
    return self.branch_list

class HgRepos:
  def __init__(self, path):
    self.path = path
    self.base_cmd = [HG_CMD, '--cwd', self.path]

  def _export(self, dest_path, rev):
    cmd = self.base_cmd + ['archive',
                           '--type', 'files',
                           '--rev', rev,
                           '--exclude', '.hg*',
    (output, status) = pipe(cmd)
    if status or output:
      cmd_failed(cmd, output, status)

  def export_trunk(self, dest_path):
    self._export(dest_path, 'default')

  def export_tag(self, dest_path, tag):
    self._export(dest_path, tag)

  def export_branch(self, dest_path, branch):
    self._export(dest_path, branch)

  def tags(self):
    cmd = self.base_cmd + ['tags', '-q']
    tags = self._split_output(cmd)
    return tags

  def branches(self):
    cmd = self.base_cmd + ['branches', '-q']
    branches = self._split_output(cmd)
    return branches

  def _split_output(self, cmd):
    (output, status) = pipe(cmd)
    if status:
      cmd_failed(cmd, output, status)
    return output.split("\n")[:-1]

class GitRepos:
  def __init__(self, path):
    raise NotImplementedError()

def transform_symbol(ctx, name):
  """Transform the symbol NAME using the renaming rules specified
  with --symbol-transform.  Return the transformed symbol name."""

  for (pattern, replacement) in ctx.symbol_transforms:
    newname = pattern.sub(replacement, name)
    if newname != name:
      print "   symbol '%s' transformed to '%s'" % (name, newname)
      name = newname

  return name

def file_compare(base1, base2, run_diff, rel_path):
  """Compare the contents of two files.  The paths are specified as two
  base paths BASE1 and BASE2, and a path REL_PATH that is relative to the
  two base paths.  Return 1 if the file contetns are identical, else 0."""
  path1 = os.path.join(base1, rel_path)
  path2 = os.path.join(base2, rel_path)
  file1 = open(path1, 'rb')
  file2 = open(path2, 'rb')
  while 1:
    data1 =
    data2 =
    if data1 != data2:
      print '*** ANOMALY: File contents differ for %s' % rel_path
      if run_diff:
        os.system('diff -u "' + path1 + '" "' + path2 + '"')
      return 0
    if len(data1) == 0:
      return 1

def tree_compare(base1, base2, run_diff, rel_path=''):
  """Compare the contents of two directory trees, including the contents
  of all files.  The paths are specified as two base paths BASE1 and BASE2,
  and a path REL_PATH that is relative to the two base paths.  Return 1
  if the trees are identical, else 0."""
  if not rel_path:
    path1 = base1
    path2 = base2
    path1 = os.path.join(base1, rel_path)
    path2 = os.path.join(base2, rel_path)
  if os.path.isfile(path1) and os.path.isfile(path2):
    return file_compare(base1, base2, run_diff, rel_path)
  if not os.path.isdir(path1) or not os.path.isdir(path2):
    print '*** ANOMALY: Path type differ for %s' % rel_path
    return 0
  entries1 = os.listdir(path1)
  entries2 = os.listdir(path2)
  missing = filter(lambda x: x not in entries2, entries1)
  extra = filter(lambda x: x not in entries1, entries2)
  if missing:
    print '*** ANOMALY: Directory /%s is missing entries: %s' % (
      rel_path, ', '.join(missing))
  if extra:
    print '*** ANOMALY: Directory /%s has extra entries: %s' % (
      rel_path, ', '.join(extra))
  if missing or extra:
    return 0
  ok = 1
  for entry in entries1:
    new_rel_path = os.path.join(rel_path, entry)
    if not tree_compare(base1, base2, run_diff, new_rel_path):
      ok = 0
  return ok

def verify_contents_single(cvsrepos, svnrepos, kind, label, ctx):
  """Verify that the contents of the HEAD revision of all directories
  and files in the Subversion repository SVNREPOS matches the ones in
  the CVS repository CVSREPOS.  KIND can be either 'trunk', 'tag' or
  'branch'.  If KIND is either 'tag' or 'branch', LABEL is used to
  specify the name of the tag or branch.  CTX has the attributes:
  CTX.tempdir: specifying the directory for all temporary files.
  CTX.skip_cleanup: if true, the temporary files are not deleted.
  CTX.run_diff: if true, run diff on differing files.
  itemname = kind + (kind != 'trunk' and '-' + label or '')
  cvs_export_dir = os.path.join(ctx.tempdir, 'cvs-export-' + itemname)
  svn_export_dir = os.path.join(ctx.tempdir, 'svn-export-' + itemname)

  if label:
    cvslabel = transform_symbol(ctx, label)
    cvslabel = None

    cvsrepos.export(cvs_export_dir, cvslabel)
    if kind == 'trunk':
    elif kind == 'tag':
      svnrepos.export_tag(svn_export_dir, label)
      svnrepos.export_branch(svn_export_dir, label)

    if not tree_compare(cvs_export_dir, svn_export_dir, ctx.run_diff):
      return 0
    if not ctx.skip_cleanup:
      if os.path.exists(cvs_export_dir):
      if os.path.exists(svn_export_dir):
  return 1

def verify_contents(cvsrepos, svnrepos, ctx):
  """Verify that the contents of the HEAD revision of all directories
  and files in the trunk, all tags and all branches in the Subversion
  repository SVNREPOS matches the ones in the CVS repository CVSREPOS.
  CTX is passed through to verify_contents_single()."""
  anomalies = []

  # Verify contents of trunk
  print 'Verifying trunk'
  if not verify_contents_single(cvsrepos, svnrepos, 'trunk', None, ctx):

  # Verify contents of all tags
  for tag in svnrepos.tags():
    print 'Verifying tag', tag
    if not verify_contents_single(cvsrepos, svnrepos, 'tag', tag, ctx):
      anomalies.append('tag:' + tag)

  # Verify contents of all branches
  for branch in svnrepos.branches():
    if branch[:10] == 'unlabeled-':
      print 'Skipped branch', branch
      print 'Verifying branch', branch
      if not verify_contents_single(cvsrepos, svnrepos, 'branch', branch, ctx):
        anomalies.append('branch:' + branch)

  # Show the results
  if len(anomalies) == 0:
    print 'No content anomalies detected'
    print '%d content anomal%s detected:' % (len(anomalies),
        len(anomalies) == 1 and "y" or "ies")
    for anomaly in anomalies:
      print '   ', anomaly

class OptionContext:

def main(argv):
  parser = optparse.OptionParser(
    usage='%prog [options] cvs-repos output-repos')
                    help='verify contents of the branch BRANCH only')
  parser.add_option('--diff', action='store_true', dest='run_diff',
                    help='run diff on differing files')
                    help='verify contents of the tag TAG only')
                    help='path to store temporary files')
  parser.add_option('--trunk', action='store_true',
                    help='verify contents of trunk only')
  parser.add_option('--symbol-transform', action='append',
                    help='transform symbol names from P to S like cvs2svn, '
                         'except transforms SVN symbol to CVS symbol')
                    action='store_const', dest='repos_type', const='svn',
                    help='assume output-repos is svn [default]')
                    action='store_const', dest='repos_type', const='hg',
                    help='assume output-repos is hg')
                    action='store_const', dest='repos_type', const='git',
                    help='assume output-repos is git (not implemented!)')

  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
  symbol_transforms = []
  for value in options.symbol_transforms:
    # This is broken!
    [pattern, replacement] = value.split(":")
          RegexpSymbolTransform(pattern, replacement))
    except re.error:
      parser.error("'%s' is not a valid regexp." % (pattern,))

  def error(msg):
    """Print an error to sys.stderr."""
    sys.stderr.write('Error: ' + str(msg) + '\n')

  verify_branch = options.branch
  verify_tag = options.tag
  verify_trunk = options.trunk

  # Consistency check for options and arguments.
  if len(args) != 2:
    parser.error("wrong number of arguments")

  cvs_path = args[0]
  output_path = args[1]
  output_klass = {'svn': SvnRepos,
                  'hg':  HgRepos,
                  'git': GitRepos}[options.repos_type]

    # Open the repositories
    cvsrepos = CvsRepos(cvs_path)
    outrepos = output_klass(output_path)

    # Do our thing...
    if verify_branch:
      print 'Verifying branch', verify_branch
      verify_contents_single(cvsrepos, outrepos, 'branch', verify_branch, options)
    elif verify_tag:
      print 'Verifying tag', verify_tag
      verify_contents_single(cvsrepos, outrepos, 'tag', verify_tag, options)
    elif verify_trunk:
      print 'Verifying trunk'
      verify_contents_single(cvsrepos, outrepos, 'trunk', None, options)
      # Verify trunk, tags and branches
      verify_contents(cvsrepos, outrepos, options)
  except RuntimeError, e:
  except KeyboardInterrupt:

if __name__ == '__main__':